A large construction equipment parked on the side of a road.

Comprehensive Septic Services: Installation, Repair, and Maintenance

At Basic Septic Design & Installation, we take pride in being Washington's premier on-site sewage company, offering a full spectrum of septic solutions, including design, installation, maintenance, and timely repairs. With years of experience, we've honed a unique skill set that sets us apart in the industry.

A red circle with an image of a pipe

New Installation

Building a new home is a significant undertaking, and we understand the stress it can entail. Let us take care of your septic worries, allowing you to focus on what matters most. Our installation process is efficient and tidy, minimizing site disruption. Whether you need a quote for an existing design or are starting from scratch, our expert designers and installers have the know-how to get the job done right.

A red and white icon of an engine

Timely Maintenance

Regular maintenance is not only cost-effective but essential for the proper functioning of your septic system. Our team is well-versed in the intricacies of modern systems, including floats, pumps, electrical controls, and more. If we installed your system, our installers will guide you through the maintenance process. If not, fret not – we're here to provide valuable information and training at no cost.

A red circle with two white wrenches crossed.

Swift Repairs

Septic system failures can be daunting, but with our extensive experience as designers, installers, and maintainers, we bring invaluable insights to the table. Our creative and flexible approach ensures efficient and effective repairs for issues ranging from excessive water flows to root intrusions. In emergencies, don't hesitate to contact us; we'll diagnose the problem and be on-site within the day.

A red and white icon of a wrench in the center.

Comprehensive Maintenance Solutions

Neglecting your septic system can lead to costly replacements down the line. At Basic Septic, we advocate for a proactive approach to maintenance to ensure your septic system stays in excellent condition for years to come. Our commitment to you goes beyond standard pumping every 3-5 years. We offer comprehensive service agreements covering all aspects of septic maintenance, including flushing laterals on pressurized systems, scum, and sludge level checks, float functionality testing, pump wear inspections, D-box examinations, and data recording from various meters.

A red and white icon of a person with gears in their head.

Peace of Mind and Cost Savings

By entrusting Basic Septic with your regular maintenance, you can rest assured that we'll catch potential issues early and address them promptly. Our expert team identifies key indicators that could lead to more significant problems in the future, ultimately saving you from expensive repairs and cleanup. Our maintenance contracts are budget-friendly, costing only a fraction of septic system repairs. Don't adopt an "out of sight, out of mind" strategy; take charge of your septic system's health today.

Get in Touch

Contact us today to learn more about our services and find the perfect maintenance plan for your septic system. At Basic Septic, we are dedicated to providing the best service possible, ensuring your complete satisfaction. Let us handle everything so that you can focus on what matters most to you.

A concrete bowl in the middle of some dirt.